
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Welcome to My Blog! how many people out there (myself included) have ransacked the internet looking for detailed swatches of products before they shell out the dough to purchase them!? I certainly have..and many times have come up empty handed! On this blog I am going to swatch everything I purchase and post a detailed review on things I already have and the things I purchase in the future!

I am on this new found kick where I am loving the television series Heroes all over again..hence the title..but I think it is very fitting none the less. "Save the swatches, save the world....from purchases they might regret!"

Also, feel free to comment and ask any questions regarding certain products and I will be sure to answer them quickly and help as much as I can!

I hope you enjoy swatching as much as I do! :) That is all for now!

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